The GLP impression X4 Bar 10 and impression X4 Bar 20 are high performance batten fixtures. That Offer flexibility to today’s lighting designer across multiple applications. The GLP impression X4 Bar batten uses high output RGBW LED’s. That are packed tightly to give a full batten of light with 20 LED’s used in the 40″ long X4 Bar 20, and 10 LED’s used in the shorter 20″ X4 Bar 10.
The high quality optics of the impression X4 Bar fixtures ensure a smooth, homogenized output across the batten through a broad pallet of pastel and saturated colors. Additionally the X4 Bar can produce subtle graduated fades, or distinct color breaks between LED’s. This is complimented by GLP’s exceptional dimming quality, which ensures that there is no color shift, just smooth even fades.
The X4 Bar 10 & 20 models are also available with variable white or RGBY LEDs. Making the impression X4 range one of the most versatile ranges on the market, offering the perfect solutions for any production.
DMX control offers full pixel mapping capabilities, allowing a multitude of dynamic fades and chases through various intensities and colors.
The X4 Bar 10 and X4 Bar 20 both feature a 7:1 zoom ranging from 7° to 50°. Giving effects from a narrow angle light curtain to a wide angle back light or wash light.
The X4 Bar also features a motorized tilt, for fast refocusing or to be used to add more dynamics to the output beam.
The X4 Bar batten has been specifically designed to give consistent pixel spacing between adjacent units. Which we recognize an important visual aspect for many designers using fixtures in view of the audience.
The impression X4 Bar batten is complemented by Powercon in and thru connectors for easy daisy chaining without the need for an external PSU, multiple DMX modes, rubber feet for floor mounting and ¼ turn attachments points for rigging flexibility.
Available Light Sources
Optical System
Shutter / Dimmer
Power Supply
Operating Conditions
Mounting Options
Housing Colors
Net Weight